Growing Together

Whoever you are, wherever you're from, YOU are welcome here.

The Youth Ministry at FBCA is here to give teenagers, in 7th-12th grades, a place to serve, worship, hang out, and learn about their faith. Building relationships with you and your youth is the priority, as we come alongside to teach, mentor and help your child grow closer to Jesus. This is prime time to help youth discover their gifts, how they can be used to glorify God, and who they are in Christ. 

Spend Sundays with friends!


9:30 - 10:45 A.M.

All Youth Sunday Morning Bible Study Groups meet in the *Youth Garage. We start our time together with donuts, hanging out, announcements and then move into small groups.

Youth Worship

*There are no Youth Sunday evening activities on 5/12 due to Mother's Day!*

5:45 - 7:30 P.M. (School Year)

Meet in the *Youth Garage for Snack Supper at 5:45 p.m. Then, we'll jump into large group worship, teaching and connecting in discussion groups. Youth Worship usually meets from September to May. During summer, we move to Wednesday nights starting in Mid-July (specific dates will be shared in Youth News.)

Youth REACH 

Sunday 4:00 - 6:00 P.M. *

(*1st Sunday of the month during School Year- Sept-May)

Join us for an intentional time of focusing on reaching our community, our schools, and our friends! Every month looks different and will consistent of an interactive portion of our monthly REACH theme. A light snack is served during Youth REACH.

*The Youth Garage is located at Door #5 and is accessible via the road that circles behind the building.

 Wednesday night pick me up!

Youth LifeGroup

5:00 | Faith Activities Center 
Start the night off with *dinner and friends and your family, open to the whole church!

*Dinner registration is required by Mondays. 

6:00-7:00pm | The Garage
You'll meet in small groups for interactive relationship building and discussions to help you get through the rest of the week!

So much fun, so little time! 

But wait, there's more! Game nights, retreats & service opportunities, there are so many ways to get involved! Our desire is that many youth use these opportunities to grow spiritually and relationally!  

Get Connected!

Make sure you are getting our weekly newsletter, Youth News,
so you won't miss a thing!